• C'est ce que vient d'annoncer le site Entertainment Weekly : Jack Bauer va donc se retrouver à Londres, l'action se déroulant au Royaume-Uni. Ce qui ne veut pas dire que tout sera tourné là bas, sans doute quelques scènes.


    Kiefer Sutherland a déclaré: "24 a toujours eu un aspect international, mais être capable de raconter une histoire intense avec en arrière plan la beauté de l'architecture et de l'histoire européenne, va être fascinant. J'espère que, quand vous aurez fini de regarder un épisode, vous aurez l'impression d'avoir été là bas...sans quitter votre fauteuil"


    Le co-showrunner, Evan Katz, a ajouté " nous voulions que le retour de la série soit un évènement, et pour cela placer Jack dans un contexte très différent. Il y a 4 ans, nous avons laissé Jack fugitif, fuyant la justice, et on le retrouve 4 ans plus tard à Londres"

    Manny Cotto, un autre auteurs a précisé que Jack poursuivra les méchants et sera pourchassé par eux, dans les rues de l'Europe"



    jackbauerposterJack Bauer is crossing the pond for his next adventure!

    EW has learned exclusively that production will begin in January for 24: Live Another Day, and the action will take place in the U.K. for another “thrilling international adventure.”

    Kiefer Sutherland is already on board to play Jack, Mary Lynn Rajskub will reprise her memorable role as Chloe, and Howard Gordon is returning to executive produce the reboot that will debut next summer. Jon Cassar — who produced and directed 24 from seasons 2 to 7 on Fox — will also return to executive produce and direct episodes.

    “‘24’ has always had such a global sensibility,” said Sutherland in a statement.  “But to be able to tell this intense ‘24’-style story with the beauty of Europe’s history and architecture as the backdrop is going to be fascinating. Hopefully, by the time you’re finished watching an episode, you’ll feel like you’ve been there…on the edge of your seat.”


    “We wanted the show’s return to be an event, and part of that was putting Jack in a very different context,” added co-showrunner and executive producer Evan Katz in a statement. “Four years ago, we left Jack a fugitive from justice and we’re going to pick him up four years later in London.”


    “Jack is soon back on the run and it takes us into the streets of London and in places that break new ground for the show. We’ve shot in New York, Washington, Los Angeles and Cape Town -- but now we’re in London and Jack’s loose on the streets of Europe, hunted by and hunting bad guys.”










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