• Les extraits les plus importants du panel, un clip a été diffusé où on voit paraît-il un « badass » Jack !


    Howard Gordon: « le monde est plus complexe que lorsque nous avons commence 24, les drones par exemple sont un sujet contemporain, mais c’est surtout axé sur Jack, où en est-il après 12 ans, nous allons introduire des sujets très excitants »


    Kiefer Sutherland à propos du futur de 24 « je ne ferais peut-être pas parti du reboot, il y a beaucoup de personnages fantastiques, dès le début j’ai toujours pensé que la star de 24 était son concept, je le pense toujours, si le public accroche à un personnage plus jeune qui aide Jack, cela pourrait être une option »


    Il mentionne aussi à plusieurs reprise à quel point il a peur de foirer l’héritage de 24.


    Gordon «  le format de 12 épisodes est idéal, plus vous avez de temps pour écrire mieux c’est, mais cela reste harassant. La saison fera référence à l’affaire Snowden ou aux drones mais restera concentrée sur les personnages »


    Cotto «  le nouveau format nous permet de sauter des heures quand cela sera nécessaire, nous ne voulons par forcement donné au public ce qu’il attend, mais nous nous sommes demandé ce que nous pourrions faire que nous n’avions jamais fait avant »


    Kiefer : « je suis inquiet à propos des embouteillages car nous allons tourner en extérieur, et les londoniens vont nous haïr, je suis très excité de tourner avec la Tour de Londres en arrière plan. Durant les 12 épisodes nous allons suivre le président (des Etats-Unis) et le Premier ministre (du RU) et examiner les relations spéciales entre les 2 pays »


    Evan Katz « il n’y aura aucune ressemblance entre 24 et Homeland »




    "It has become a more complex world than when we started 24," said Gordon, suggestion drones will be another contemporary topic. "This is really about Jack and where he is 12 years later. We're going to introduce some exciting topics."

    As for what Live Another Day means for 24's future on Fox, Sutherland said that he's not necessarily on board to star in a reboot. "When I said reboot, I never said I was a part of it," he said, to a few laughs. "There's a lot of fantastic characters. When we started the show, I said that the star was 24, the concept. I still believe that very strongly. If an audience were to latch on to a younger character who was helping my character, that would certainly be an option."

    Still, his affection for the series and his alter ego seems to be evident. He mentioned several times that he was worried about screwing up 24's legacy. 



    "Live Another Day" doesn't start shooting for another couple weeks, but we get a rather badass clip package reminding us that Jack Bauer is, indeed, a badass.

    "24" has done a lot of 24-episodes, but is this a more ideal length. "Yes," Howard Gordon says simple. "The more time you have, the better you can craft each episode," Gordon says. He's hoping they will maintain the "24" quality, but he recalls the punishing marathon. "With '24' you could never actually see the other side of the shore," he says, but now they can. Manny Coto says this allows them to jump forward a couple hours if necessary, since the mini-season will still take place over 24 hours. Gordon promises that the show has analogues for the Snowden Affair and the drone issue, but the season is really about the characters..

    "I'm anxious about it. Traffic there is very difficult. We plan to be shooting outside," Sutherland says, teasing that they plan on blowing stuff up and he expects London to hate them for screwing up traffic. He's excited to shoot with The Tower of London in the background and he thinks it's a huge opportunity from a storytelling POV. In this 12-hour arc, we'll be following both the President and the Prime Minister. A lot of the Special Relationship will be examined, when it comes to USA and UK.

    Coto says that they don't consciously think of giving the audience certain things they expect. "We approached it as 'What could we do that we frankly haven't done before and that would keep us interested as writers for a 12-hour season?'

    Did "Homeland" inspire them at all? "The dynamic here resembles Carrie-Brody in no way at all. It's completely and utterly different," Katz says. Katz says it's more "The Fugitive."

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